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It is an accepted industry convention that electronic technical log data must be backed up in real time.

  • eTechLog8 does not operate without a backup SD card in the device.
  • Data is stored on the local solid state drive (SSD) and also mirrored and encrypted on the backup SD card.
  • A copy of the most recent version of eTechLog8 software is also encrypted and stored on the SD card.
  • If the SD card is swapped into a device with an earlier version of the software (normally because the spare device has been in stores for a while), the swapped SD card performs an automatic update of the software on the replacement device.
  • All data and software stored on the SD card is encrypted and cannot be accessed outside of the eTechLog8 software.

The data is effectively backed up in 5 locations:

  • On the device SSD.
  • On the backup SD card.
  • On eCentral8 MS Azure cloud.
  • On Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 backup cloud (every 15 minutes an incremental SQL backup is performed from Azure to AWS).
  • Data is also transmitted and stored in the airline MRO system.