Avion Express select eTechLog8
Monday 22 August 2022

On August 5 th , 2022 Avion Express joined the ever-growing list of airlines selecting the Conduce eTechLog8 Electronic Log Book (ELB) solution, to digitise its current paper based logbook processes. Avion Express maintain two AOCs in Lithuania and Malta and eTechLog8, along with the fully integrated companion application eCabinLog8, will be implemented across the full fleet.
The Avion Express team outside their HQ in Lithuania!
eTechLog8 has been selected following full evaluation of the product by the Avion Express team. It was concluded that the ultra-modern solutions offered by Conduce would provide key digital transformation but also provide a mutually beneficial long-term partnership.
This mission critical suite of applications will provide flight crew, cabin crew and engineers alike with an intuitive, user-friendly electronic solution for the completion of flight logs, defect findings and actions, servicing and acceptance into service. Automatic data transmission from the tail-assigned cockpit devices will give MCC / MOC real time aircraft technical status. This will allow for greater efficiency during both the aircraft turnaround phase and enable proactive planning of maintenance tasks across the fleet.
The project will also involve full integration with several of Avion Express existing solutions, including ACARS, CAMO/MRO systems and flight scheduling software.
Aleksandr Abramov, Maintenance Control and Services Manager said of the project, “we do strongly believe that our partnership with Conduce will help us to optimize our daily routines and improve our procedures. Real time fleet monitoring will help us to reach previously unreachable goals!”.
Paul Boyd, Managing Director at Conduce said “Conduce is excited to welcome Avion Express as its newest eTechLog8 customer. The selection process involved several product demonstrations and remote meetings with all key stakeholders. Support from all areas of the business will ensure that we will have an efficient implementation timeline, and indeed the first project meetings have taken place and data is being exchanged already. We are looking forward to working closely with Avion Express as they progress along their digitalisation journey with eTechLog8.”
About Conduce : With offices in the UK and Australia, Conduce provide robust mobile solutions for the world’s airlines. eTechLog8 is the leading ELB solution to replace paper technical logbooks. eTechLog8 is certified around the world and fully integration with leading MIS/MRO back-office airline systems. ( www.conduce.net )
About Avion Express: Avion Express is the leading narrow-body ACMI and charter operator operating an Airbus A320 family aircraft. Working in the field for over 17 years, have established a long-term partnership with clients in Europe and are also operating in Africa, Asia-Pacific, South America. Avion Express is a family member of Avia Solutions Group, a leading aerospace services group with what has become almost 100 offices and production facilities worldwide. ( www.avionexpress.aero )