Why Conduce?
We do Electronic Technical Logbooks differently.
Why is Conduce eTechLog8 so unique?
At Conduce we do things differently. Our core design principle is a system which is incredibly reliable and robust. Here are just some of the unique ways we achieve this:
Everything is included in our "turnkey" solution: devices, MDM, software & updates, hosting, SIM cards, training, support and more
Rugged devices which have a much lower failure rate compared to consumer-grade devices, such as iPads
Offline-first app which works without any internet connection required, syncing data when there is a connection, but never relying on connectivity
Continuous data mirroring from the device hard disk to SD card
Data stored in more than five different places: device hard disk, device SD card, eCentral8 back end with georedundant backups, eData8 mirror of the eCentral8 data, MRO system integration and more
Incredibly fast and simple device swaps (simply swap the SD card to a spare device and fly!)
eCabinLog8 device in the cabin is a backup ETL/ELB device
An app design which emphasises intuition and understanding combined with modern aesthetics
No barriers to make the ETL/ELB more difficult to access than the paper log - no complex login procedure (which would require an internet connection etc), we use offline based security measures instead
Zero-downtime, fully automated, remote software updates to the devices with absolutely no user interruption or manual processes. Made possible by our incredible proprietary app update system.
These principles have created a unique ETL/ELB offering which is highly available and super resilient to failure, enabling an uninterrupted, seamless operation.
Everything is included.
One thing that sets Conduce apart from our competitors is that we provide every part of the system, from devices, MDM, software & updates, hosting, SIM cards, training, support and more. For a single monthly fee per aircraft, we provide absolutely everything you need to operate the ETL/ELB. You could describe the Conduce offering as a Technical Logbook as a Service (TaaS) model with all parts included. We ship you a device ready to put on the aircraft and support it for life.
Why is this so important? Well firstly, it means you're buying a battle-tested architecture that actually works, rather than assembling one yourself. eTechLog8 works flawlessly for over 35 airlines all over the world and is approved by authorities worldwide. Our design is so reliable and robust, is has successfully been approved by every authority with every customer. The authorities know our system works perfectly, and this is backed up by millions of flights and over 10 years of seamless operations. We could only have achieved this by having control over all parts of the system - if any part needs improvement, we have the ability to fix it because we manage it. Nobody knows our system better than we do, so you're going to get the best experience when we host it for you.
Why not benefit from 10 years of excellence, iteration and experience? Why not choose a system that's shown a 100% project success rate in a sector fraught with ETL/ELB projects which quietly failed? You could consider developing your own software from scratch, but it will never be as good as one perfected in 35+ airlines with over 10 years of iteration and improvements, as well as the simple fact that creating your own can cost you as much as 10x more.
Conduce eTechLog8 is ready to fly, and our expert project team is on standby to get you live in as little as 3-6 months. Why not book a demo today!
What is offline-first design? And why does it require aircraft-dedicated devices?
We call our application offline-first, meaning that it is designed for primarily offline use. Why is this important? Everyone knows that not every spot at every airport has perfect cellular signal. Networks often have planned and unplanned outages, infrastructure work, storm related damage, capacity issues… the list goes on. The Electronic Technical Logbook is an operationally critical system. You cannot fly when it doesn't work! So choosing one which only works where the internet is perfect is a recipe for failure.
So eTechLog8 works great offline, but why does that require an aircraft-dedicated device? Well, to use eTechLog8 offline you need to have a fair amount of data downloaded onto the device (e.g. open defects, flights, fluid tanks, MEL, CDL, and more). Personal-issue devices (such as a captain's EFB) are used on different aircraft every day, and sometimes, on multiple aircraft in the same day. It's not practical for the captain to download all of the data for the entire fleet, and keep it updated every few hours, so that it's ready to use offline. Each aircraft's data is also changing constantly as defects are raised, rectified, and flights are flown. This is far too much data to download on a SIM card, often 200MB+ per aircraft - it could take all day to download a fleet of 20! Remember, the goal is to have a system that works great all the time. An aircraft-dedicated device solves this issue - it has the aircraft's data available fully offline on the device, all of the time.
We believe offline-first is essential for an ETL/ELB system that works in real world conditions, and as already discussed, offline-first only works on aircraft dedicated devices. But this architecture has another invaluable quality - your aircraft TechLog is not just resilient to the SIM connectivity issue, but also resilient to the outside world! Cloud outages, server failures, network problems etc., are no longer a risk to timely aircraft departure! It's part of the aircraft and always works.
We're opinionated for the right reasons.
Our competitors might just send you the software, collect licenses and wish you luck hosting the system. We provide the whole system because we know what works in the real world and we care about your success. We have great pride in our work and wish to share our experience and best practices.
Have any questions or would like to learn more? Speak to a Conduce expert today.