MHD-ROCKLAND Commence P-3 Orion Flight Training with eTechLog8 on Board
Thursday 11 March 2021

Conduce Group is delighted to announce that in January 2021, MHD-ROCKLAND began Flight Training on their P-3 Orion platform with eTechLog8 on board as the comprehensive electronic technical logbook (ELB). Conduce’s eTechLog8 has enabled paperless operations on board the MHD-ROCKLAND P-3 fleet from day one.
MHD-ROCKLAND have produced a wonderful Flight Ops video to celebrate the first day of Flight Training that can be viewed here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=415441879737663 .
About Conduce: With offices in the UK and Australia, Conduce pioneer mobile solutions for the aviation industry. eTechLog8 is the leading Electronic Log Book (ELB) solution to replace paper technical, defect and cabin logbooks, and is fully approved by multiple Airworthiness Authorities around the globe. In addition, eTechLog8 is already fully integrated with all industry leading M&E/MRO back office airline systems. For further information, visit www.conduce.net .
About MHD-ROCKLAND: With offices in Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, MHD-ROCKLAND Inc. is a privately-held aerospace company that has, for 40 years, supplied high-caliber services, training, and support to fixed-wing aircraft for military and civil aircraft operators around the globe, including manufacturer support through OEM’s and other channel partners as well as repair and overhaul within its own facilities. With more than 150,000 square feet of facilities, the company has one of the largest privately-owned P-3 and C-130 inventories in the world. Its Flight Ops Unit located in Keystone Heights, Fla. is home to five P-3 Orions and four L-188 Electras. For further information, visit mhdrockland.com .