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ELBs and Electronic Signatures

22nd March 2022 in Blog

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The concept of an electronic signature – an electronic rendition of signing one’s name – is not new, even in aviation. In fact, we’ve been using electronic signatures for years on telegraphs and faxes! In 1903, Orville Wright sent a telegram to his father confirming the first successful four flights of his heavier-than-air flying machine.… Read More

Happy International Women’s Day!

8th March 2022 in Blog

Happy International Women’s Day from the Conduce team! Not only is it IWD, it’s also National Careers Week, and with those two things in mind, we wanted to share with you some pearls of wisdom from the amazing team here at Conduce. The theme of this years IWD is break the bias, and that’s exactly… Read More

iOS vs Windows

12th March 2021 in Blog

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So, you’ve decided to implement an Electronic Technical Log (ELB), rid yourselves of paper carbon copy books and join the 21st Century – hooray! But first there is an important decision to be made; should you choose an iOS or Windows device? This is a question that comes up in nearly every demo, every webinar… Read More

Women making a difference in aviation for the Baltics

12th June 2019 in Blog, News

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During the last few years several airlines in the Baltics have flourished, and they have brought with them a new generation of young and innovative talent to the region’s aviation industry. This is frequently being supplied by young women, who are coming through the ranks to take up senior positions and are gaining industry authority… Read More